Electric Vibrators

Guaranteed great vibrators!

Sveadiesel have a lot of experience of vibrators for mobile applications. Our tipper vibrators have become especially popular. Tipper vibrators are primarily used on different types of mobile platforms, where they by producing strong vibrations loosen sticky and frozen material when tipping.

Throw away the shovel and install a tipping vibrator instead! It benefits both the body and wallet.

Consider how much time is lost every time the platform is hand shoveled!

Sveavibra III, Part No. 580-700

SVEAVIBRA III is a Swedish produced best-seller which is our most powerful direct current vibrator! With 14kN at only 2300 rpm it can manage up to at least a 9m platform. Yes, we have seen successful installations on tipping trailers up to 12m! Sveavibra III is delivered as a complete batch, with vibrator, 15m cable, solenoid, fuse, switch and cable shoes. Additionally you can buy cable in chosen lengths, as well as electric trailer connector, among other. The vibrator is delivered with assembly instructions.
Mer information om Sveavibra III hittas i  Bruksanvisning och Datablad nedan.

Sveavibra III is intended for intermittent operation.

More information about Sveavibra III can be found in the manual and datasheet below.

Manual Sveavibra III

Datasheet Sveavibra III

Olivibra Mve 1500, Part No. EDC241500

MVE 1500 with 3000 rpm gives a centrifugal force of 15kN. It also has small outer dimensions which makes it perfect for most platforms. Apart from it having small dimensions, it also uses relatively low current, which leads to a simpler installation, among other advantages. It is constructed to sustain continuous operation. The force is easily adjusted in four stages; 6 kN, 9kN, 12kN as well as 15 kN. The vibrator is delivered with assembly instructions.

Se pdf files below for an information sheet, installation instructions and more!

Manual MVE 1500

Datasheet MVE 1500

Hydraulic tipping vibrators

A shaking experience!

A tipping vibrator comes at a higher buying price but has two advantages compared to an electric vibrator. Hydraulic vibrators can be run continuously, but also allow for large vibrators to be used on machines with limitations in their electrical system, such as tractors with 12V systems.

Large hydraulic vibrators work extra well on grate buckets for sorting of dirt etc. Shown on the image to the right!

EX 20, Part No. 2140 (earlier called CW 2140)

This is our most powerful hydraulic vibrator! EX 20 has at 1850 rpm a centrifugal force of maximum 20 kN, which creates substantial vibrations in the platform. It requires a hydraulic flow of at least 45 l/min. EX 20 is equipped with a flow regulating valve which gives a constant rpm when operating between 45 and 250 l/min. The hydraulic motor is of G-profile type and is manufactured by Danfoss, which most likely implies a long lifetime!

Manual EX20
Datasheet EX20
Hydraulic scheme EX20

Smaller vibrators for 12V and 24V direct current

Shake off your problems! Does your sand spreader not eject the sand? Or is the moist sand clumping together into a large clump? In those cases, a vibrator is the solution!

Olivibra is the worlds largest producer of electrical vibrators, all built according to the same genius principle. We have tested multiple vibrators for years and are confident in the quality.

All Olivibra’s products are designed to sustain continuous operation and the force can easily be adjusted to ten different steps.

Olivibra MVE202, Part No. EDC12202, resp. EDC24202

The vibrator exists in two different versions, one for 12 VDC (EDC1202) and one for 24 VDC (EDC24202). They are well thought through, for example the electrical attachments are located on the foot below the vibrator to facilitate cabling, minimize the installation height, as well as giving the best possible protection against water penetration. The force can be set in ten steps from 0 till 2kN. It protected according to IP 66. A vibrator which keeps going, year after year! Can be delivered with 3 meter cable, as an option.

Datasheet MVE202

Olivibra Mve 500, Part No. EDC24500
A larger variant of above which is used for heavier missions in for example road wideners or larger sand- or salt spreaders. The cetrifical force can be adjusted in ten steps from 0 to 5kN. It is protected according to IP 66.

Smaller hydraulic vibratos

Vibrate more! Everyone working with road maintenance know the frustration when the temperature is below zero, and the moist material freezes into large clumps. The only option is to stop, step out into the cold and fix the problem by hand! You recognize the situation, don’t you?

With a vibrator you can avoid most of this unpleasantness. Our hydraulic vibrators manage a tough game and are specially constructed to be ran continuously, hour after hour.

EX 8, Part No. 2130 (previously called CW 2130)

A smaller and neater version of the powerful tipping vibrator EX 20. This vibrator is perfect for large sand- and salt- spreaders, automatic tailgates and smaller sorting shovels! Same beautiful hydraulic motor and constant flow block like the big brother EX 20, but lighter and with smaller outer dimensions. A Swedish quality product!

Manual EX8
Datasheet EX8

Vibrators for 230-400 V and Olivibra Mve

OLIVIBRA vibrators for 230 and 400 VAC. These vibrators come in many different sizes and variants, everything from small models created for mining sieves to very small models for transportation of for example pills in the pharmaceutical industry. There are special variants for usage in highly explosive environments or with casings in non-corrosive steel for usage in the pharmaceutical industry.

The area of application is huge. We at Sveadiesel have especially encountered problems with feeding of material in silos, storage for fuel pellets, and similar, but we have also encountered various types of sorting gratings that have to vibrate to work as intended.

Did you know that vibrators are used for transporting material? A vibrator is attached at a specific angle under a conveyor mounted on spring elements. The vibrator then push the material that should be transported forward or upwards for every vibration. It “bounces” the material forward on the conveyor. The advantage is that you can for example avoid the moving parts which otherwise can malfunction in a conveyor belt or similar solutions.

Contact us for more information and technical guidance. Also visit OLIVIBRA’s website by clicking the link below.
